Walks & hikes
Let's go to the woods !

At the start of les Galapons...
We can offer you several short walks starting directly from the house.
Most of them are easy and will allow you to discover our beautiful countryside.
We will lend you maps and can even explain how to put them on. some in your smartphone!
If you're a keen walker, check out the Balcons du Dauphiné website for more great walks.

By bike
With Yves Montand's song in your head, cycle through the region! We are 500 m from the greenway connecting Crémieu to the via Rhôna.
There is something for all tastes and levels: road, quiet paths or mountain bike trails!
We can give you the contact details of a rental company (please plan ahead of your stay) and we have all the equipment you need to store, maintain and clean your bike (we are in the process of obtaining the 'Welcome Bike" label!).
Sites & Natural Areas
The region is so magnificent that you will have to take the car to access all of its treasures ...
Discover the jewels of the North Dauphiné: the amber of the bald cypress trees from Boulieu, the ruby of the Pulsatiles from Trept, The emerald from Verbois canyons, the sapphire of the pond of Lemps or Save's Lake ...
Enjoy the landscapes, observe the flora and fauna.
Photo: Bald Cypress - Boulieu (© Lumières de l'Ombre)